If these debtors believe their debts have been "forgiven" they are sadly mistaken. In this country, poor and middle class people don't pay income taxes - effectively zero. It's paid by the higher earners in the upper two quintiles. Mainly college graduates. They'll be paying back their student loans on the installment plan for the rest of their lives. Every April. Also the immediate, short term effect of Joe "forgiving" this debt will be inflation. Everybody pays that tax. Most especially the poor.

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It is amazing the thought and foresight our forefathers put into forming our government. They are probably rolling in their graves right now!

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The same is true in personal relationships. The fun loving happy go lucky big spender always in the end walks away from the big bills. Maybe it’s his wife and kids. Maybe by the time he has spent his way around town he collectively owes everyone money. But the free and easy spenders always burn somebody somewhere to keep their shtick going.

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I can think of a very few country's that have successfully torn down the old and build a new and better country.

Covid presented the world an opportunity to show their real stuff.

Sweden proceeded with life as normal and no restrictions. Most of the rest of the world imposed very restrictive governing rules.

Seems like the norm is government control and the sought after end product by those in power or control those.

Should we continue down the government control path we are on, take heed, our freedom is the sacrifice.

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