Like the blood-sucking vampires they are, the radical Leftists can look in a mirror and they see absolutely nothing. They are leading the USSA into a war that cannot be won. The self-hating scum behind the Nuland/Rice/Obama/Soros administration is Satanic in its beliefs and actions.

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Another consideration is their All-in move a la' Cloward- Piven isn't moving fast enough to collapse the good 'ol US of A, so lets demoralize the ranks, but the incompetent in charge and give away all our arms. Then when the S well and truly HTF, they believe we can be remade in whatever image suits them.

Honestly, we need not fear a Russia- China alliance. At the rate we're going, we couldn't pose a threat to a pool party.

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Why? Because they are spineless eunuchs who despise the fact of their own existence.

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And with Russia and China together-with their natural resources-armies-economies-we are screwed. And Trump predicted this a few years ago and no one paid attention. And now here we are -makes me sick!

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How the Left aligns on any given subject can be a head-scratcher, as their reactions can be like divining a Rorschach ink blot - they see what they want to see. Once the nominal "leadership" proclaims what the inkblot "is" they fall in line like loyal troops - or programmed Non-Player Characters in a video game. "The earth is warming". "Masks 'work'". "Suspend bodily autonomy and get the vaccine". And now "Russia bad". They appear to multiply their numbers by deploying bots and fake accounts throughout social media to amplify the message and make it appear "everyone agrees" and "the science is settled". This isn't to say Russia is the good guy here, they aren't. But the better question should be how much of this do we own and what is our role and responsibility? It seems like just a year ago, cooler heads were asking "how do we contain this situation in Ukraine and prevent escalation?" That should still be our primary focus.

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