Spot on as usual. I would add though that I want Hochul to run as maybe it will get that crazy loon out of NY. She is the absolute worst and nothing but a poster child for the far-far-far left. She has totally alienated her Buffalo Blue-Collar base, not to mention all the helicopter trips she takes around NYC, on tax payer dime, just to get to events.

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The Dems have proved they don't need no stinkin' bench. So long as whoever they nominate remains loyal to the uniparty and mouths progressive nostrums, the Win is pre-ordained. Only a Republican uniparty nominee could win - and the nomination process among 50 states weeds out the Jeb! types nowadays. Yes, we have a terrific bench by comparison - not that it matters.

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Biden won't run. It's just too early to say so while maintaining the myth that he is competent. If he announced now that he won't run it would seem tantamount to an admission that he's not competent now and the liars can't afford that.

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Spot on. Love the Tigers connection. Keep the faith. Your writing rocks.

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