I maintained from the start of COVIDICY that the state used our natural desire to care for others and be compassionate to lock us in our homes, force us to take an untested and unproven vaccine and compromise our Presidential election.

How many PSA’s bleated about saving others’ lives by the lockdowns? We even had flashing DOT signs “Did you kill someone today? Stay home, keep others safe!”

So called compassion for those whose mental and emotional distress has them hacking off body parts and taking cross sex hormones has consigned confused children to a life of medical intervention and misery.

I hope and pray those who were fooled the first time won’t be fooled again

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What you espouse Michael is the rule of law -- a bedrock of our form of self governance. What the current cabal and the remnants of POTUS 44 are practicing are the rules of the jungle. Would that be a more winning weapon for goodness to practice?

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