Another well-written piece! I sure hope the tide is turning!!

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It is.

Several years ago, I was tasked with the turnaround of a business that had seen some tough years. The biggest problem I faced was a management team who had gotten so used to losing and bad things happening, that's all they could see. My simple task was to teach them how to win, how to look at things differently. And they did. The took my message to heart and began to see how winning was not only possible, they had already had a few wins they saw as losses.

The business turned from a loss maker into one producing record sales and profits within a year. We are on that same path.

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There are two great problems to overcome; republicans and democrats.

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When I contracted Covid, my doctor prescribed Paxlovid from Pfizer. When he was talking to me about he warned that in about 20% of the cases in which it was used there was a rebound. Prescription instruction assert that the patient must be at high risk for developing severe Covid-19 illness. In that regard, the president qualifies.

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