Trofim Lysenko Has Entered the Chat
When the personal becomes political, nothing is immune from near comedic incompetence.
The most protected and socially distanced senior citizen in America, a man living in the total security, isolation and protection of the White House, surrounded, managed and controlled by Priests and Cardinals of the most secret Inner Circle of the Covidian religion, attended by Soviet style Lysenkoist scientists and doctors, a man directly advised by the High Priest of their Religion, St. Anthony of Fauci, and advised by a cabal of St. Anthony’s High Cardinals at the CDC and NIH, a man who participated in a national campaign from the isolation of his basement due to fear of the disease and was, and is still, protected by the nomenklatura and the propagandists, who will ban and silence any critics for even the suggestion the state approved and mandated treatments do not actually work, has tested positive for Covid…AGAIN.
Let me repeat that.
Biden has tested positive for Covid FOR THE SECOND TIME IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS.
And in the most ironic of excuses, his doctors and the sycophantic media are blaming the treatment regime he was given, all the time trying to disprove a negative. “Well, it would have been so much worse of we didn’t do all those things!” they scream from their cloisters in the Monastery of Covidianism.
But there is no way to prove any individual case factually or logically would have been worse – or better – because logic doesn’t work that way.
One can form that opinion, but one cannot prove it with any degree of certainty.
And as I pointed out, this is not happening to any of us who are living our lives in the real world, this is happening to a man who has been living in a hermetically sealed container since the word “coronavirus” entered our common vernacular.
Not exactly the ringing endorsement of the state dictates we suffered, is it?
If what this Divine Comedy did to our nation wasn’t so tragic, it would be laughable. These are the misadventures of the Soviet Union’s Politburo at the pinnacle of its comedic incompetence with a little Baghdad Bob thrown in.
But it’s not funny and it should scare the Hell out of anyone paying attention.
Sort of validates the critics of the vaccines, lays bare the incestuous relationship between government and Big Pharma, and validates the critics who noted the vaccines are actually little more than potentially dangerous therapeutics, masks were/are little more than pacifiers and visual representations of subjugation and class belonging, social distancing was never based in or on fact, lockdowns were a dry run of the police state and private company pacts with the state as cultural enforcers, were little more than a weird marriage between fascism and communism.
The price of this leftist designed chaos was the complete and destruction of our economy, the irreparable harm to our schoolchildren, the further division of our nation along ideological lines and the institution of a far more oppressive central government than existed just three years ago.
The statists wonder who nobody trusts government any longer.
It is self-evident that lying for political advantage destroys trust.
In the drive to politicize literally everything in our lives, even disease has now been fully politicized.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise; the progressive left has been using the state to turn everything personal into the political forever.
Hillary’s college crush, Saul Alinsky, proposed it as one of his “13 Rules for Radicals”:
Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Bigot, racist, nativist, homophobe, Islamophobe, white Christian nationalist - all are words used to politicize.
When the personal becomes political, nothing is off limits and rational debate is ended. Emotions enter the equation and emotions are far from logical. One of the effects of polarization is that we don’t share the same goals anymore. Today, we are not arguing over different tactics to achieve the same goal, we are arguing over the goals themselves.
Religious Conservatives are ridiculed for our belief in God – ever seen the atheist screed about the “Great Flying Spaghetti Monster“? We are attacked for our reliance on, and reverence for, the US Constitution. We are attacked for our stance on abortion. We are called heartless, greedy, selfish…basically one step below Neanderthals. Conservatives have been falsely accused in a blood libel of “creating an environment of hate” that facilitates every mass shooting except, of course, all that happen in Democrat controlled, defund the police, mostly peaceful rioting cities and towns.
It is tiring. I know that people are tired of it. I know I am. There is a feeling that average people just want it to stop. People feel constantly under attack because there is no refuge from it once it becomes personal. There is fallout, collateral damage. People just want it to be over. They want to know what the endgame is.
Of course, there is an endgame.
There are two possible outcomes. One is that the leftist Alinskyites win. They gain and hold power. Politics becomes permanently the province of the personal and penetrates every aspect of public and private life. It must; this is the only way that the left can hold onto power. In an Alinskyite universe, something like our current climate will always exist, every decision driven by an outcome desired by the left, not by facts or reality.
The second potential outcome is that we break their hold. We depersonalize the political by focusing on the facts. We eliminate half-truths and spin and deal with the real issues. We eliminate opinion masquerading as fact, drop the slick messaging and speak frankly and truthfully to each other.
America has had a taste of Soviet era polarization of the personal through Obama, the Deep State subversion during the Trump term and now the overt and unapologetic communism of the Biden administration - and we ain’t having it.
Lysenko covered his “scientific” lies to Stalin with even more outrageous lies but there came a point when reality could not be denied. Biden is following the same pattern.
The worm is turning, folks. Truth and reality cannot be hidden forever. A true American renaissance is set to begin.
Another well-written piece! I sure hope the tide is turning!!
There are two great problems to overcome; republicans and democrats.