Jul 10, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

The howls of secular socialist rage against “the Sound of Freedom” shows that it has touched the most sensitive chord of what passes for their souls: the desire to exterminate humankind. Everything they are doing centers around eliminating as many human lives as possible: promoting voluntary abortion and euthanasia eventually to be succeeded by involuntary abortions and involuntary euthanasia. Promoting “Sexodus” and creating an aversion to holy matrimony through economic oppression - do you think those unsustainable burdens of individual student loan debt are due simply to a lack of foresight? Encouraging both homosexuality and gender-bending (castrating little boys and spaying little girls) in our primary and secondary schools. And then promoting bizarre medical interventions that increase excess mortality while also causing sterility and “spontaneous miscarriages.” The end goal of all these policies is to end human reproduction and to accelerate human morbidity and mortality. The secular globalists exult in the sexual enslavement of children because virtually none of these enslaved children will ever live to become free and to have children if their own. How dare we want to end the child sex trafficking trade? WE DARE!

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

My “solution” will likely underwhelm readers. Rather than a radical one like civil war (which the leftists seem to desire as their chance to crush us completely) mine is incrementalist: We buckle down to obey God more completely. First off start having more babies! Obey the precept “be fruitful and multiply!” The progressives are progressively annihilating themselves by opting out of procreation to lead dreadfully self-centered lonely lives. Second “raise a child in the right way and the adult will not depart from it.” Whether home schooling or by charter schools teach them the love and fear of God and keep them out of hands of the evil fended benders. “When a man’s ways please the Lord He will make even his enemies be at peace with him.” If we are trying to win the holy war against the secular socialists on their terms of course they will prevail. But if we knuckle down on practicing true spirituality then the victory is the Lord’s. But of course use all our wits and strengths to oppose the seeming Goliaths of globalism.

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Error: evil gender benders

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

Best ever! This is spot-on for everything I have been thinking for far too long.

I hope & pray it doesn't come to a civil war. I don't hold out much hope the loosed demons will agree to anything less than complete submission.

I never gave the book of Revelations much heed. It sure looks like we're in the end stages when the Devil has control over the world.

As usual, thank you for your hard work and efforts.

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An apt description of the bizzaro world we inhabit. Worst of Orwell and Huxley? Yes, but this feels more and more like the world Ayn Rand envisioned in "Atlas Shrugged." The solution her protagonists came up with might make the most sense at this point. Even if not a physical "Galt's Gulch," perhaps an emotional one - although as conditions continue to deteriorate, a physical refuge will become a necessity.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

I think this "two Americas" stuff is nonsense. 70% of the Democrat voter base is made up of old people who are afraid their "fixed income" will be cut off, people who still think it's 1935 and the mean ol' bank would've foreclosed on Granddad's farm were it not for that nice Mr Roosevelt, who think if they vote GOP nobody will get to have sex anymore, and layabouts who live at the expense of others.

10% is the group of howling lunatics who trash films like this, pierce body parts, prance about in front of children, college educated morons who can't figure out just *why* one must work for a living, and professional Democrats who care for nothing but the exercise of power.

The remaining 20% don't actually exist.

Statistically no one, at least outside an ivy-league university, actually *wants* to have his children sterilized, wants his tax money thrown into a hole and burned, *wants* his government at the behest of foreign powers, *wants* his daughter getting knocked up and aborted at 14 or his son taking it the wrong way.

NO ONE. The actual number of people doing this catastrophic harm is very, very small....but their volume is VERY VERY HIGH.

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Maybe. But no matter the reasons, if you vote Democrat knowing what they do, you own it all.

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Agreed. The Democrat party is the single most destructive force on the planet today, if only for the fact that it enables and exacerbates all of others.

The problem we face is that those who might be persuaded (from subsets of that 80%) is that they don't understand there are straight lines from Wilson through FDR through LBJ to child sterilization, and they're enabling that line to continue into the future.

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