Dude!! In the movies you two would have gone straight to a hotel, canceled the rest of your travel plans, and then had some sort of death defying adventure together. But nope. You did the middle class thing. (That’s our mask.).

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Lovely, civil, thoughtful conversation.

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I’ve had conversations with mask wearers and I’m sure it’s fear and mask wearing becomes like a talisman, such as a rabbit’s foot or a lucky coin.

I think we aren’t meant to cover our faces and the commercial masks smell terrible, like some chemical agent is embedded within the fiber. Anything that smells that awful to me has me thinking it’s bad for my health. In the end these mask wearers will probably end up with pulmonary fibrosis or some other malady.

Early on in 2020 I sewed up some masks and gave them away to friends so we could enter stores or restaurants. I made them out of 100% cotton with a liner but I never kidded myself that they’d stop me from getting COVID.

What was astonishing was watching my neighbors out walking their dog or jogging wearing masks. I never did put on a n mask unless I was forced by the un constitutional ruling but most people crossed the street if they saw little ole maskless me coming at them. So stupid.

All the data points to they can actually cause more harm than good.

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