Apr 14·edited Apr 14

Islam is unlike any other spiritual organization, organized more for political and control of daily life than the other major affiliation organizations like Christianity, Judaism, and others. For a simple person like me, I have concluded that guiding principles of all the sects of Judaism and Christianity are founded on transcendental redemption whereas all of the sects that include the followers of mohammed are founded on nihilism.

The Shi'i Ayatollahs of Iran are particularly dogmatic in this ... many examples during the past more than 50 years. The hate, brutality, and plain evil they preach, inspire, and practice must be resisted at all costs.

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Israel owns Israel. God gave it to them. Period.

I have been following the Benders on Facebook for a few months. Really learning much and being humbled. I listened to a LIVE reel from their safe room and can’t imagine all that they are going through. I can’t imagine needing a safe room where I live. I stand with Israel. ❤️

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