As we suffer Obama’s anti-constitutional covert third term.

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Don't you just KNOW that DJTs 4 year disruption of that plan almost killed him and his cabal?

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There was a game we played in high school, I forget the name of it, but it involved breaking the class into 3 groups - Circles, Triangles and Squares. Then with a roll of the die it is decided upon which group is in charge. The game continues and with the draw of cards the groups decide and vote upon the rules (laws) that will govern them. This continues on and on and what has ultimately happened within every class, every time the game is played, even when done in college settings - it is the same result.

Those in power - remain in power and get more powerful. They pass laws that benefit them and keep the rest down. Rarely will anyone who has been cast in the non-ruling group get to become members of the ruling group. And the ruling group ultimately become the dictators, the elite, the untouchables.

And that too is the reasoning why there has always been RINO's. They play both sides of the isle thinking/hoping and plotting that they too can become one of the ruling elites.

Such maybe the fate of the US unless we decide differently and do so in mass.

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The screaming has begun, but unfortunately, the loudest is from the supporters of the regime.

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