Problem is, most Canadians don't care. The majority are perfectly fine with the takedown of the truckers and anyone who supported them.

I have a half sister (who primarily works out of Prague) married to a Czech who is an air traffic controller based in Toronto. She's about as left as they get (totalitarian left), and I use her as a gauge of what the loonies are thinking. And her view is that it took WAY too long to shut down those Insurrectionists/Fascist Truckers. She's perfectly fine with the government seizing everything they and their families own and leaving them destitute.

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I couldn’t agree more, Mike! Well said. The time is coming when we, too, will be tested to see if we’ll stand against tyranny and for freedom!

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Trudeau's Liberals are not a popularly elected majority, with only 31 percent of the vote in the last election, gaining fewer votes than the conservatives 34 percent. He formed his governing coalition with the Bloc Québécois who had around 8 percent of the vote. He is therefore vulnerable to having his government dissolved in a vote of no confidence at any time. His tactics are focused on holding his Parliamentary plurality together to avoid that no confidence vote. As such, the Canadians don't have an equivalent to "insurrection" like we do. Popular sentiment can demand a change in government any time - rendering his "insurrection" calls literally silly. America's majority-based "winner take all" two party system is seated for the duration, by contrast.

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