I feel truly blessed this morning. I spent much of yesterday admiring photos of dogs on Twitter (it was National Beagle Day). I weighed myself and discovered I lost 3# in a week. And then, to top it all off, I read Michael's latest Substack offering. While I always enjoy reading UNLICENSED PUNDITRY, today's essay was one of the best.

Michael absorbs thoughts and trends the way my dog eats. While I pride myself on my writing, I'd never be able to compose an essay that included thoughts on the "progressive" movement to destroy our children, ChatGPT. Bruce Willis, Batman, and Elizabeth Hurley's swimsuits. My mind is swirling.

Two thoughts:

I worry when I read about ChatGPT. In our fractured and morally bankrupt society, millions turn to the Internet for companionship and a feeling of belonging. How long will it be before millions turn to AI for advice and friendship? Is it the Magic 8-Ball of the 21st century, the Wizard of Oz, or an electric Satan?

Secondly, the joint concepts of civilization and community are worthwhile subjects of discussion. I despise HRC and her "it takes a family" BS. Nevertheless, humans are social animals and many of us suffer from the Fauci/CCP world that we now live in. As Michael wrote, the smallest unit of civilization is the individual and the only way that life on our planet can continue is through male/female intercourse and reproduction. These freaks being modified and ruined by radical, misinformed, and stupid parents will become a significant voting block in just a few years. While representing possibly 1% of the population, they and their fellow "influencers" give the impression that they represent a rising tide that will replace Christianity and the traditional family. Maybe they will. Maybe this is symbolic of a species that is sick of life and that despairs of the future. It is troubling. Sometimes I wish I'd joined Heaven's Gate. Things have certainly gone downhill since Hale-Bopp and maybe that comet did signify something.

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The basics of any civilization are what I call Divine Institutions:

1. Individual Freedom

2. Marriage

3. Family

4. Nationhood

These are the building blocks upon which civilizations are constructed. Ice the cake however you like thereafter.

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We are blessed to have your commentary on this upside down world. These poor children. The horrible, wretched parents that enable this. Evil is real.

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Not only that, we have reached the period described in the Bible when people call evil good and good evil.

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Amen...Perhaps you need to ask ChatGPT what the lowest common denominator of civilization is. Might be another way to seek out the binary!

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Want a laugh? I receive Michael's essays via non-iCloud email and had been slow to file a week or so away to archive in an iCloud IMAP folder. About 100 emails sorted to their folders but this one popped up an odd message never seen before stating there was a write error or something. Immediately tried again, same error. Wish I had saved it. Tried again this morning and it copied over. I don't know for sure but guess Apple didn't like the content, but guessing someone reviewed and decided to let it through. Anyone else with similar error on iCloud? If Apple is filtering content then I would not have been the first to have an error.

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Very perceptive, Michael. Remember when Obama said, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." He and his VP hate America as founded and believe they are superior to our Founders. They grow government and power in ways the founders most feared.

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It’s demons. I’m reading the book The Return of the Gods and it is scary.

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I just recently finished that book. It is definitely scary, but you can't help but see the signs everywhere.

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I think it's even worse. Transgenderism is the Left's latest experiment in gaslighting. If they can get the mass to believe that gender is a social construct then what can't they get the mass to believe? Freedom is slavery? War is peace? Ignorance is strength?

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We mistakenly believe the leaders of the left want fame, money, and power. Their minions want fame, money, power. Justin Trudeau/Jacinda/Macron/zhou want those things. They aren’t the leaders though. Who/what controls them merely wants destruction. Nothing else. They are just as happy when their minion has lost his usefulness and is utterly destroyed as when their minion destroys someone. That is their pleasure.

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