
But I'm confident as soon as you find the perfect word Leftists will begin a campaign to redefine it.😑

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You can count on that. Control the language, control the thought. Like "Newcomers"

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“Human Dust Mop!” I think of her as Medusa.

Very accurate and discouraging snapshot of the amoral mentality of what now passes for our ruling elites. According to this new “moral” code the only crime that Bernie Madoff committed was getting caught!

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Medusa is good!!

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Great analysis.

"Harbor Freight' people. Yes, the Dems are very callously utilitarian . I have no qualms calling them evil.

We DO need a concise descriptor for these people. Maybe we as a group can work on that.

Another descriptor for their view of people might be "Kleenex people"

As for their policies, I submit gi/go. If their policies ever have a positive outcome, it is purely coincidental.

I share your rage at the people and the glee they're having destroying the country.


(PS: Chuckie has already floated the idea of not certifying the election if Trump wins! How's that for election interference! Evil)

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A perfect description of what is going on. I feel like a kid who got everything he wanted for Christmas. Then, later that day all the neighbor kids came and destroyed each and every perfect gift. A nightmare.

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Excellent piece, Michael. They’re not hypocrites; they’re just evil.

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Apt description, even tho' I have some HF sourced tools that still have value

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So do I. I had a die grinder that lasted for about 10 years - but I have had some sockets and wrenches that lasted a month...but I never expected them to go that long!

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I'm arriving at the term "hive mind". Individually they are soulless and when you debate them individually, they have no words that justify the collective action - it's only as a collective "hive" where their actions make "sense". This is why the individual doesn't matter to them.

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HF treats me better than Democrats.

Not all HF tools are one-use. IIRC paid $32 for my air powered brake bleeder over 10 years ago. Nothing close for double the price.

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Easy - the word is Democrat.

Who pushed to _keep_ slavery? The Democrats.

Who is pushing the whole transgendering of children? The Democrats.

Who is erasing women? The Democrats.

Who is pushing porn in our schools? The Democrats.

Who is pushing division within communities? The Democrats.

Who is pushing Discrimination, Exclusion and Indoctrination? The Democrats.

How do you identify a RINO? See the above.

What we the people _need_, are Constitutional Conservatives. I see far too many in the Republican Party, who are great at hand wringing and whining, but the thought of actually taking action absolutely terrifies them!

Our Constitution is supposed to be “By the people, of the people and for the people.”

Yet, it seems that at every level, it is “By the rich, of the rich, and for the rich.”

Why do candidates have to pay $$$ to file to get on the ballot?

Why do so many candidates pay $-$$ to gather signatures?

One question I have, “What steps should have been taken to STOP Hitler, long before the Halocaust?”

“Why aren’t we doing things _now_, to STOP George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Davos Group, BlackRock, the WHO, the WEF, the UN, this whole alphabet soup that is not comprised of _anyone_ who was elected, and their “New World Order” activities?”

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