What will it take for the people to scream, ENOUGH ALREADY!? Why does the GOP do nothing? No concrete actions against the Dems? It is beyond the point to throw the tea overboard. I do not advocate violence. Something is need right now, at this very moment, for the people to accept nothing less than complete defunding of the DOJ, IRS, NIH, and all the other unelected agencies. A good start would be for the House to file the Articles of Impeachment against Biden today.

Evidence was shown yesterday that Biden received 10m directly from Ukraine. ENOUGH.

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The FBI's Biden bribery document was demanded by Congress in early May. The FBI stonewalled turning the document over. Finally Chairman Comer had enough and took steps to hold FBI Director Wray in contempt - when Wray promised he would turn the document over on Monday 5 June. He FINALLY got around to turning the document over to Congress on Thursday, 8 June --- the exact same day (probably within the hour) that Jack Smith informed Trump's lawyers of the indictment. This is how the Democrats operate to ensure the ONLY news anybody hears is that Trump was indicted - and not that Biden is directly implicated in a Ukraine bribe to get a prosecutor fired.

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Anyone who hasn't noticed by now that everything -- EVERYTHING -- that's been thrown at Trump has turned out, over and over and over and over again, to be something that some Democrat HAS ACTUALLY DONE is a fool and an idiot and has no business casting a ballot ever again.

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This is a perfect example of the uniparty in Washington at work. The Republicans should be on every TV show demanding the impeachment of Joe Buyden after the FBI reluctantly showed how the Buyden crime syndicate works with millions transferred to shell companies and payments to the Buyden family, including grandchildren.

But with a Romney in charge of the RNC, what could possibly go wrong?

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To paraphrase from Mr Trump, all this is about making all the rest of us meek and worried it can happen to each of us. Time for pushback !!

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The good (sort of) news, this prosecutor has a lousy record of success.

As the article and Michael say, it's more about draining the funds and keeping the defendant busy and distracted.


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Can't wait until we have a Republican president. Hillary, Hunter and his dad, Meritless Garland and others will be indicted for corruption.

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