"Swift". Probably not her real name? another empty pantsuit filled with hot air, like Que Mala. POSITIONED into her current "status" as menstruating minstrel to the good-think creatures of US Leftism. "Earned" sh#t. A blow up doll slowly losing air.

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Taylor Swift? Never heard of him.

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🤣🤣 Tay-Tay, the world-wide sensation renowned for setting adolescent anguish to monotonous beats with insipid lyrics


Not to be confused with the original title


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I was kidding. I've got granddaughters. Like the Carly Simon though.

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I knew, and appreciated your joke.

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16 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

Your line about paying “… your Fair Share of taxes” - though we’ve all heard it 1,000 times - hit me like a thunderbolt.

Paying “Your Share…”


That portion of the product of your labor that is presumed DUE, by arbitrary decree.

The result of a lifetime of your diligence, study, sacrifice, expenses to obtain education, the costs of the risks you took (but not a portion of your losses), the time you dedicated - not including your cost of opportunities lost…

That Assumption of Entitlement, by self-proclamation, that they have so perfected the art of. It rolls out before them like a red carpet throughout life.

It Works, because we all simply Accept the validity of that assumption, Kneel down in deference to their rightful Ownership and magnificence, and like well-trained plough-horses, we lean harder into our harnesses while waiting for the whip to fall.


What happened to “ We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN are created equal, …”


Why is no one asking that question? Does anyone even know what their contribution is?

Being given “the keys to the public treasury” and being Stupendously compensated for one’s time is NOT a contribution.

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What is the business logic behind estranging essentially half her potential fan base ?

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Probably the same as Nike exalting (what was his name? The Kneeler)

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I’m hopeful most of Swift’s fans are underage and can’t vote anyway! Regardless, it sickens me that she endorsed Heels Up Harris, whose administration policies have done everything to eliminate the middle class. Fuel, groceries, insurance…everything has gone up. (I’m sure that includes Swift’s ticket prices.) But, she could give a rip - on her private jet, flitting around with her super-vaxxed KC Chief while Mommy & Daddy have to take out a 2nd mortgage to buy their little girl’s concert tix. Swift is as pea-brained as the candidate she endorsed.

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