Somebody said correctly that a our constitution would only work for a Christian, religious people. We are not that anymore. The republic was based on trust based on conscience. That does not exist in this america. You are a fool to play by rules when your enemy does not.

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Great post, but a typo might leave some confused. Dobbs overturned Roe and Casey.

Progressivism has been around a bit longer than 150 years - tracing its founding to the end of monarchies and the rise of republics and the French Revolution. The tension between progressivism and liberalism was present throughout the debates over our constitution, framing the central debate governing what type of government we would have. More: https://jeffmockensturm.substack.com/p/what-it-means-to-be-conservative

As for where we go from here. I don't know, but we seem to be in "full cascade" mode now to ignore the constitution. Democrats are likely to lose more cases before the Supreme Court and I can foresee the point where they simply ignore the Court, just as they've ignored their Oath in administering the government. Push has come to shove.

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Absolutely we should make secession a real plank in the platform. Lincoln was wrong in forcing the slave states to remain in the Union - not that slavery was ok, but by forcing the states to remain, Lincoln violated their tenth amendment right to leave. Even Jefferson, in penning the Declaration, stated that, when government fails to serve the purpose for which it was instituted, it is the right of the people to dissolve or replace it.

It would, hopefully, be the least violent option currently available to ending the federal tyranny to which we are all being subjected.

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I suspect that if an Article V convention was actually convened 1) it would be hijacked by the Progressive Leftists, 2) the results would be ignored by both the Left and the Right, and 3) sessession and perhaps a Second War for Independence/War Between the States would ensue.

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We should have made them fight a Civil War to steal an election.

That we didn't is proof that the Republic can't be saved.

It might be restored someday but not without blood.

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Great post, Michael.

2 things:

(1) I am confused by the brou-ha-ha concerning a statement by President Trump. I no longer watch television and I don't have Facebook. Could you send me your post(s) about the controversy? Thanks. (charlesclemens2017@gmail.com.)

(2) You indicated that two great men opposed the Alien/Sedition act. You specified Jefferson, but didn't quite name John Adams. I'm assuming you were referring to him. Was I correct?

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