The breaking point, in this story, can get ugly as was seen in the 1775 and 1860. Perhaps that's what they want but they need to be careful what they wish for. 😕

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"What I have also observed in every single organization, church, and business in which I have participated is that powerful minorities will find ways to implement their agendas without majority support."

This seems to be a feature of life we are going to have to come to terms with and combat. A tiny fraction of the population is now engaged in active human species suicide, quite literally turning off the "stuff of life" from stopping the production of fuel and energy, to and even food and water that makes civilization possible. And we are allowing them to do it because the vast majority of people just want to be left alone and live their lives. To these people, however, this is a fundamentalist religion. We can never be as passionate and engaged about saving our culture and civilization as they are about destroying it. Its the same concept that led to the largest, most advanced and sophisticated military in the history of humanity being stymied and repelled by tribal goat herders in Afghanistan. It simply meant more to them. Not to be too fatalistic, but this is why ultimately we cannot win. We will never care as much as these cultists, which allowed them to start from the ground up taking over our school boards and our local panels and commissions until we end up in 2023 where they control all the levers of power in the government, corporations and society.

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Just one comment. Okay, two. Almost everyone lives their own life conservatively. Especially if you are middle class. Second, re the apathy of the masses. Most of us are very busy doing things, looking after children, running businesses etc. it isn’t apathy for those of us who are awake. For me at least my life is full. To defeat Prime Minister Blackface requires going to war. In every way. To do that means the cataclysmic destruction of everything I have worked towards for decades. It isn’t apathy holding me back.

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There is just one phony organization I can think of that is more evil than the globalists who are busy turning us all into robots, and that is Black Lives Matter. Just think of the billions that Coca Cola and others threw at that Marxist Organization (whose only goal is the overthrow of the USA).

#Death2Disney #BoycottBen&Jerry #BankruptTarget

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This reminded me of the Bully on the playground. As long as the bully had some support and was thought to be the bigger person you did not mess with, then they were in power. But once the playground folks stood their ground and said no more, then the power game changed.

And if an even stronger force came into the mix and challenged the original bully, then again, the power game changed. Think of any good guy western, kung foo type movie, even the karate kid movie. The stronger force won out.

The majority is that stronger force, and Bud Light, Target, Disney, and soon to be more have and will find out the hard way. Already Billions in revenue lost from those companies I have listed, and positional strength in society has been eroded because we the majority showed up to the fight!

I now see Bud trying through its commercials, to make amends as they are definitely back to the cute girls, beer, easy listening 'Friday Night' type music and party atmosphere. But it still is not enough, and the one other thing that will make it better for Bud is an apology to the majority. Just like the acceptance of the Bully to the playground folks - an apology will over time make things better.

My 2 cents.

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