I disagree with your characterizations of mao and Stalin and their regimes as ideologically based. The ideologies were of course fatally flawed, but the perps only used ideology as justification for their evil, and to blind and subvert the intelligentsia by allowing them to excruciatingly dissect as of great import which end of the camel a good Maoist should swallow first while straining out the gnat of mutual respect (or of any other good thing).

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Cheap salvation is seductive.

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what do you mean “post” Reagan? The Reagan years themselves were pretty bad — the Graham-Rudman Act murdered public education in this country.

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And then you have the smug sophomoric undergrads telling you that “of course true socialism has never been attempted.” Great self restraint not to smash their teeth in.

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In Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” the ‘hero’ after his imprisonment in a Siberia labor camp has a recurring nightmare about a psychological plague driving people mad and turning them into murderous killers. In his book “the Possessed” Dostoyevsky (himself a repentant socialist revolutionary) likened the radical leftist movement in Russia to a contagious form of demonic possession. I think the wokeness plague overrunning our nation and the west is akin to the “doctrines of demons” referred to in apocalyptic Christian writings. I believe the perverse Zombie genre of horror fiction is the allegorical form of this spiritual plague.

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But we will get it right THIS TIME comrade! Never fear!

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