Will be back later to comment more fully, but in the meantime, may I suggest some VERY enjoyable reading of Arthur Laffer’s accurate, effective economic policy and enlightened school of thought.

(He Reality-tested Friedman and Sowell. They have much in common.).

Perhaps we can finally give Keynes his respectful place in history, at long last.

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The Keynes v Hayek argument has never been described better! I love how you are able to insert applicable pictures to your essays, Michael. I can't figure that stuff out.

Would you be interested in writing an essay about how John Stewart Mill's theories ruined 21st century America? I'm just reading Robert Bork's version in SLOUCHING TOWARDS GOMORRAH. It's a very interesting book. And the fact that it was written nearly 20 years ago proved that Bork was not just a great judge and a historian, he is a prophet.

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I saw firsthand the effect of Urban Renewal - a govt stimulus program of the 60's/70's, and how it was to bring a more, in their words, 'Progressive' environment to the community, my hometown of Ilion NY. Well, it razed 113 buildings - destroying the quaint town of 10,000 people, and it destroyed a couple hundred businesses which included mom and pop restaurants, a pet shop, several dental/dr's offices, lawyers offices, an auto supply store, a woolworths, A&P, P&C, shoe stores, butcher shop, news shop and on and on - wiping out several hundred jobs in the process. (Read the book - Worked Over by Dimitra Doukas as it is about my hometown and Urban Renewal).

And still to this day the townspeople weep. BTW several protests were held at that time and finally the town govt said enough and that they were not going to hear any more about it and the people are sad to this day as to the results. This same thing was repeated in several more towns across America.

As Regan said the most dangerous words are 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'

Oh and the end of the story is that right now, about 7,200 people remain in the town, and the infrastructure is crumbling - many old water pipes bursting each year, roads in disrepair through what was downtown, etc.

Some progress...

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So what you're really saying is that Biden and the Democrats have been Kruggggged.

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