Dear Michael: For a short while I was considering moving to Costa Rica after being regaled by the tales of expats living there of the wonderful quality of life they were experiencing. But I did a lot of research before taking any irrevocable step. The country has a largely temperate climate year round, breathtaking scenery, largely friendly natives and had a lower cost of living. However the negative was that the country is very deficient in the rule of law. Not only are petty theft, home invasions, fraud by realtors and lawyers widespread but also there is evidentcollusion between poorly paid police and customs agents and organized criminals, including kickbacks and protection extortion. If a nation lacks the means and will to maintain an effective rule of law this negates whatever other positive attributes that nation may have. What is the point of building a lovely home with beautiful views in a gentle climate if squatters armed with machetes can take it over and the police do nothing to evict them? The United States still has some states and cities that take the rule of law seriously. And that more than compensates for our bone-freezing winters.

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We did the same a few years ago - we considered retiring an moving to Costa Rica, even made a trip down to look. It is as you noted, and it has become even worse over the past few years. There's not really a place outside the US that isn't worse than what we already have, and we do have a few states that are pushing back on the centralization of political power and lawlessness. When you have no place to go, you have to fight to make what you have better. Too few people understand that. There is nowhere to run.

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The Costa Rican tourist promotion industry lures visitors with the claim “We have the lowest crime rate in Central America!” Utterly disingenuous! Like a hotel in downtown Chicago boasting that they are located on the “safest block” in that war zone. But even now that boast by CR officials is likely no longer true. With El Salvador’s draconian crackdown on its gangs a lot of at large members have swarmed into CR and crime is going through the roof.

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Excellent article!

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