It is hard to keep up with the new terms being bandied about by followers of the Father of Lies. Nearly 50 years ago, the APA removed homosexuality as a mental disorder in the DSM and redefined it as a "sexual orientation disorder". In 1987, the American Psychiatric Association removed that rather tame definition and disclosed their new ruling that homosexuality was normal.

Since then, we have been harangued with this LGBT tag and it now has been updated to LGBTQIA+. It is only a matter of time until Pedophilia and Bestiality are included in that abomination.

Gender has been redefined and any hint that white Europeans ever invented anything or that they created the world that we live in is met with derision and hisses of "bigotry" and "racism".

America's public education system and that of the European Union have been destroyed by radicals who tell us that logical thinking and mathematics are evil white inventions and must be destroyed in favor of the new racism.

All empires end at some time and that is what we are seeing throughout the Western so-called democracies of the world. It seems crazy, but Russia may be the only hope for Christian values and reason.

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Couldn't agree more.

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Satan will do ANYTHING to capture our souls. Even if it's only bit by bit. The being would prefer bytes, but with an eternal timeline every little bit is acceptable. Never forget that Satan is the Father of Lies.

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