Oil depleted? It is renewable and constantly being "manufactured" i.e. it comes from magma

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The problem is that based on what we know today, it takes millions of years for the oil to be synthesized naturally and we face the possibility of extracting it faster than it can be replenished.

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My understanding given the size of the earth's core is what we harvest today was made 1 million years ago what we harvest tomorrow was made 1 million years ago from tomorrow etc etc etc Man occupies perhaps 5 per cent of the earth's surface? Just where is the supply challenge truthfully?

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Jul 7, 2023·edited Jul 7, 2023Author

According to a report by BP, in 2021 we extracted about 32.8 billion barrels of oil worldwide.

According to Jeffery Dukes, a global ecology researcher at the Carnegie Institution for Science, "if we were to try to generate oil the old-fashioned way to replenish our stocks, it would take roughly 750 years’ worth of all of the oceans’ (phytoplankton) production ... and also tens of millions of years to replenish this year’s consumption alone."

Also, we are talking about recoverable oil. The Energy Information Agency estimates that something like an average of 40% of known reserves are not recoverable using today's technologies.

I've been in and around the oil industry (production side) for over 20 years, we will never reach what they used to call "peak oil" but it is possible for us reach a limit where extraction is less than consumption in a few hundred years. We are already drilling deeper and deeper to get at reserves - up to 20,000 feet on land and 30,000 feet beneath the sea floor offshore.

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Have you seen this Michael? https://www.eia.gov/state/print.php?sid=TX

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Yes, I've seen it but I'm not sure what point it makes.

I've worked in the Permian and have focused on oil recovery technologies for the past several years.

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And I noticed you did not mention that most windmills require the use of petrol in the form of oil and grease to keep it operational. And that is an additional maintenance cost that is added to the initial cost of construction of a green energy windmill project.

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Tilting at windmills indeed. "Combating climate change is focused on making average people’s lives miserable rather than fixing the problem radical environmentalists claim to care about."

Reliable electricity has made possible the highest quality of life for the most people in the history of our planet. Stop messing with it needs to be the message we send.

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The point to me is it is always "cui bono" i.e. who benefits when industry leaders say x or y. I have always been skeptical because such leaders have been proven wrong many many times. As Psalm 145's preface says in my Douay Rheims bible "We are not to trust in men, but in God alone"

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Good enough. None of this is assured - we only have estimates, so they could be wrong or they could be right. All I can do is to take the available data and do the best with it I can.

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