Nail head, meet hammer.

I was invited a couple weeks ago to join a FB page, The Atheist Experience. I ignored it thinking it would just turn into circular mental masturbation, but posts kept coming up in my feed because of folks on my friends list making comments. By and large, my original misgivings were conformed, but a couple days ago, someone asked a reasonable question about reconciling having a hard time believing in a Creator and being in recovery. Alas, I broke down, joined and with the best of intentions shared my experience, strength, and hope, a major tenet in recovery even if you cannot bring yourself to believe in a Higher Power.

I've been attacked, called names, told my ignorance is entertaining and so on. So, tongue firmly planted in cheek... kinda, I'd respond with things like - I'll pray for you. Which I have, but telling them I have got the same reaction as if I'd thrown acid in their faces. I never stated any affiliation with any religion, and openly admitted my mistrust of organized religion, but according the these self proclaimed, enlightened and tolerant, mental giants, I'm a sad little Christian with nothing better to do that ram Jesus down their throats. I never once mentioned the Son of God, but kept my comments vague intentionally, only admitting I was once among their ranks, but came to an understanding later in life that has literally kept me out of jails, mental wards, and breathing still.

Reading this, I was tempted to want to post this missive of yours in its entirety on that page, but that urged passed quickly, though I'm still wavering. I used to do a lot of speaking and was once asked how I handled an inattentive or even hostile audience. My reply has always been the same. That's not up to me. My task is to simply offer the evidence of my own experience. Something I say might resonate with someone, or maybe it just plants a seed as it did with me, so that when I was at my lowest, I had a thought come unbidden from something someone once said I believed at the time I was only half paying attention to, but was like a life preserver when I was drowning.

All we can do is try right?

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Thank you.

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