I wonder whether Marxism is not so much a cogent thought system, but more accurately one of many means to an end. I’m not sure that that end is clearly defined, but it seems to involve arbitrary, evil tyrannical rule, and suppression of individuals in favor of control by an elite individual or cabal. Perhaps that end is seen more clearly in light of what we know about an infinitely loving God who rules incorruptibly and fairly; not forcing anyone, but instead inviting everyone to willingly come into his kingdom. Here, one master is in control while each individual chooses how to respond and is accountable for his or her responses on many levels to that invitation.

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“I’m not sure that that end is clearly defined, but it seems to involve arbitrary, evil tyrannical rule, and suppression of individuals in favor of control by an elite individual or cabal.”

The end is clearly defined in your statement. The simplicity of control by tyrannical elite.

No need to overthink it, it wasn’t devised by the citizenry, solely by the single ruler.

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I should have written more precisely! I think I would have expressed it better in suggesting that the specifics of the end form of tyranny aren't clear. I meant to suggest that tyranny may derive from certain religions (which I'm leaving unnamed) or (political) philosophies. Whatever the intellectual or spiritual justification of human tyranny, the result is as you describe it so well.

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