
The Democrats won't stop because they can't stop. If they don't pull this off, they are dead as a party, that's why they are importing more votes.

I think this winds up in a split, either a war or a completed political split between blue cities and the rest of the red areas. The Democrats don't even own the "blue" states, they own the cities in those states.

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Trump had many "self-deporting" (leaving on their own terms).

The way to get them to leave... cut off ALL benefits and I mean ALL.

Wire transfers have a tax of 50+%, outside the US.

Congress needs to DEFINE the part of the 14th A that is used for Anchor babies and end chain migration.

Enforce I9 and up the fines.

Finish the wall.

Stop ALL immigration from any country for say 5 years.

Anyone NOT a citizen, picked up for ANY crime (drunk driving, driving without a license etc) is deported instantly. They aren't citizens... IMO have no rights under our constitution.

People like Omar who don't appreciate what they have, revoke her citizenship and send her back. Her family were a bunch of war lords and would be dead by now.

Either they come in the right way or not at all.

Immigrants did build this country but those who came here long before were a whole different thing. They also came the legal way.

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Most came before immigration laws were passed. These were people who wanted to build a better life, not to be handed one. They came to build a country, not to bleed it and tear it down.

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But we've had immigration laws since as far back as late 1700s and all through history since then. There were things about being healthy, having a job ready and a sponsor etc.

Now nine of that seems to matter. 😕

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What more need be said - but we are screwed! I also read that for the first time, more illegals entered the country then there were American babies born. We all know what this is about too. They - the filthy democrats want their votes. They could care less about what it does to Americans and their cities/property. As long as the Dems remain in power that is what this is all being 'gamed' for.

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Don't just blame the Dems. Even the Republicans when they have a majority in either or both Congress do little, if anything, to stop it. They are just as corrupt as the Democrats - They're just less overt about it. It's controlled opposition, political theater to quell the masses. The only real way out is to end BOTH parties. They are, after all, birthing more than self-preserving corporations; they are not in any way beholden to the people.

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On Tucker, Bret Weinstein showed a Chinese map giving the path from South America to California, put that with Podesta invisioning a California break off from the nation, now with new power and it looks like California will soon be governed by China. They already own most of the Democrats in that state

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In here I included a link to a video where muckraker actually traveled with the migrant train through the and Central America to the Mexico border. It details the travel means, Chinese-funded hotels along the path, money given to the illegals, etc. Even the NY Post published an article about how the U.N. is providing financial incentive for the immigrants to come to America. https://curetsky.substack.com/p/battle-for-the-border

I see no end to this but, unfortunately through "civil" war.

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A must-watch interview on Tucker Carlson Network with Bret Weinstein this week raises many serious questions about mass invasion by tens of thousands of military age Chinese men who are part of the "mass migration" with no explanation of how they got to Panama from mainland China and have established a town that is off-limits to the media as a waypoint to crossing the many borders to get to the US where they are welcomed by the Buyden regime.

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Fear not. We are in good hands. Jo(K)e has called in the TikTok influencers to help with policy decisions.

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Ilhan and her ilk believe they are untouchable because THEY ARE totally untouchable.

Republicans will NOT take her on.

She'll be in Congress as long as she wants to be.

Democrats = Destruction

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I remember living in Texas during the 1960s. Wetbacks were targets.

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