And here I thought “the president who never was” was going to be about the sarcophagus formerly known as “Brandon.”

To your Multiple points:

“… so the analogy to a high-priced escort, willing to assume the persona and to create whatever fantasy whomever is paying for the next hour wants, seems to fit.”


As for voting for someone without having been told what their policies are, HMM. That seems to be a theme in the land of fantasy and blind allegiance, with a memorable example being Pelosi’s famous words “We have to pass (this bill) so we can find out what’s in it.”

“… fascinating study in how otherwise brilliant people, … can be seduced by extraordinarily bad ideas, illustrating that sometimes intellect is no insurance against ignorance and in practice, often facilitates the dumb.”

Thank you! Perfect description. Understanding where the disconnect is has become an obsessive pursuit of mine in recent years. I still haven’t found it.

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There is so much many of us know, but dont.

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