General Milley overshot the target when he spoke to congress about White Rage. What nearly everyone seems to be experiencing is rage. Rage at life. Rage that those we disagree with. Rage directed at a government that seems determined to end the American experiment.

When the FDA keeps babies from eating and the government wants to borrow yet another 40 billion dollars from our existential enemy to fund a needless war with no point, something is very wrong.

When the POTUS feels compelled to stir up more racial hatred in Buffalo (while ignoring the murders in Waukesha), when the Vice President congratulates a knife-wielding criminal for attacking law enforcement officers, when the FBI is found, in a court of law, to have attempted to entrap innocent men in a fake kidnapping plot in Michigan (most likely dreamed up by the governor), you know our society is on the brink of collapse.

The gangster Joe Biden seems capable of creating that race war that Charlie Manson only dreamed of.

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I am also spitting them nails. Liberals are full of hate. Wanting to fan the flames of this hatred to achieve political gains. This could be seen as normal politics “called a blood sport” but this beyond that. Liberals will not discuss the issues. Damn damn and triple damn.

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My husband always has said we will see a civil war in our lifetime and I am afraid this could likely happen.

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I’ve already decided we live in a banana republic. How much more contempt can I muster? I don’t know, but I plumb unimagined depths every day.

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