There are so many thoughts floating around in my head after reading your article. I remember what a professor said and that was that if you want to find a common ground or at least a uniting ground amongst diverse groups - find a common enemy you can agree with. Just like in Independence Day when the world's people came together to fight the common enemy - the Aliens.

These skulls full of mush (thank you Rush), have latched onto common enemies (depending upon your group of belonging). They protest to be part of the group, and they feel part of the group as long as they protest. BTW - this does not count for the paid actors who will protest anything as long as there is a paycheck involved.

I remember as a youth I had to work and go to school. I had little to no time for social things once I hit college level. Perhaps part of the issue is Capitalism...by that I mean maybe these protesters parents have too much disposable money that their protesting kids are living on.

What I would love to see is that the enemy becomes the politicians, or at the very least - The Dems.

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Good points.

I'd love to hear Rush's take in our society today.

Yes, "young skulls full of mush" Sad, but also tragic for America

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Outstanding and of course oh so accurate..

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“Presentisn” - like CS Lewis’s expression: chronological snobbery

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Great analysis and inventory, as usual.

"Roadkill Scholars", nice!!

An accurate , sobering read on where we are.

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