Aug 3, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

I too heard, via radio, lawyers debating this indictment against President Trump, and they agreed that this is an indictment against Opinion... They are also stating that should this make it to SCOTUS, that it would get shot down and probably by a large majority. However, the damage will have been done.

The lawyers go onto to state that the process becomes the punishment, only their ongoing opinion is that this may backfire by turning those that are currently neutral now going towards Trump.

Lastly, they are also stating that this is Smith's investigation, and thereby keeping Biden and Garland at arm's length given the upcoming presidential election. If this all goes to crap, which is the general impression by many lawyers, then Biden and Garland can say that they were not involved.

Bottom line is exactly as you state, Michael, this is trying to find a crime/punishment for anything that is not Their rule, regardless of constitutional law.

My 2 cents.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

And gone is any notion of “presumption of innocence” with the TDS-afflicted greeting every new indictment as if it were in itself a “conviction accompli!” Likewise Nasty Pelosi’s absurd exultation “Trump has been impeached! And his impeachment is forever!” And then Senator Kamala Harris’s absurd statement during the Kavanaugh hearings that a presumption of innocence and need for proof of the allegations against him were not germane to a Senate confirmation hearing! This is the Jacobin madness of the French Revolution.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

Just wait until the trial. Any doubts that defenses will be struck, discovery limited and evidence denied to the point of "give the guilty SOB his fair trial then hang him"?

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Conspiracy with intent to jaywalk......

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

They are going to get Trump, "they can't lose" so get used to it. In our clown world I wouldn't be surprised if Trump might have to serve the first year of his second term from a jail cell. And he should do it! Invite every world leader especially that Ukrainian for all meetings in person from his cell just to make a ridiculous scene. Hold daily press conferences with the gallery right there in the prison.

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With each new indictment his popularity grow.

Unfortunately, his legal expenses mount - which is probably the idea, I remember the hammer falling on Gen. Flynn, eating up all his resources.

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