There is no consensus regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Was it unprovoked or was it the inevitable result of NATO's aggressive thrust to the East? Was it the result of Obama's creation of a puppet regime in Kiev? This will be debated until the world inevitably falls into another period of superstition and fear.

Is Russia America's enemy? Is China America's enemy? Isn't it equally possible that all three Great Powers are working in league to deceive the world?

Is America truly the linchpin or is it the antichrist?

Darius Shahtahmasebi writes that the CIA's fingerpointing at Russian attempts to interfere with the U.S. election ignore the fact that the Agency has been happy to arrange coups in Iran, Guatemala, Congo, the Dominican Republic, South Vietnam, Brazil and Allende's Chile. Reuters Opinion Vote Election Iran Guatemala

The CIA Has Been Undermining Governments For Years - Newsweek


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Oh boy, Mr. Smith. I think if we sat down for a beer we'd have alot to agree about. Your prior post got a solid like. But this one... did you miss school the day the red pills were handed out or maybe you left early? Where, i wonder, are you getting your news? Fox? Breitbart?

Don't even know where to begin. Let's start w the premise that if you write a post which agrees w every CIA DC Uniparty neocon talking point, you may want reconsider letting it go public.

We the People have been lied to and brainwashed wholesale for our entire lives. I'm in my 50s so there is hardly anything about America and the world we can take as given. Bastion of liberty? Yep, that's what the DC swamp has been selling since ww2. And it worked just great to get tens of thousands of naive and trusting young men killed in foreign wars that benefitted no one but the oligarchs and defense industry who got rich and powerful.

What do you know about Russia as it is today or are you buying the crap shoveled out by the State Media and dc Regime? Russia isn't our enemy and not the Soviet Union. Putin has an 80% approval rating there. Sounds like a real tyrant. But you are fine talking about authoritarianism. How about dc?

Agreed, we are headed down the drain. But we have to face up to the lies we've believed about America. We can be good and great someday. Just not anything like we've been for the last 80 years.

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