Just as a fair minded person should esteem Kennedy for his record in military and political service, even if one detested his philandering so too even if people detest Trump’s boastful persona they should support him in trying to clean out the DC swamp and to keep America strong and free.

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My response to RFK Jr.'s sister, et al, in denouncing him; mostly because this country is not about personalities, but individual people:

"I'm older than you are, Kerry. I remember when your uncle was assassinated. You'd have just barely turned 4 years old. He championed tax cuts. He was the one in favor of Civil Rights —not LBJ. I don't believe for a minute that he'd be in favor of censorship, installing a nominee instead of electing one, or anything else the Democrats are now doing, including abortion, especially the much higher rate of black children being aborted.

I'm beginning to wonder if he'd even recognize his own party."

Then I added a meme of his "Ask not" quote. Too many are so wrapped up in a personality of "mean" or "joyful" that they didn't pay attention to what it was RFK Jr. actually said about his own party. And that's a sad commentary.

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To my mind, Kennedy was a good-looking heartthrob prince of a rich dynasty with quite poor judgement: missiles in Turkey precipitating the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and the cherry on top - the stealing of the election via fraud in Illinois from Nixon. So much accomplished in 1000 days.

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So many things have changed in America and one of them is the 'vitriol' expressed in the 'discussions' and comments on the public forums.

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I remember watching that speech on my parents black and white TV and deciding it was okay to be a Democrat with the words of Eisenhower's fairwell address delivered a couple weeks before still ringing in my ears warning of the military/industrial/Congressional/technology complex threat to the county. Both speeches are worth watching again.

No wonder the deep state wanted him dead when he followed Eisenhower's advice.

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I generally agree that Kennedy was a good President. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, his administration recovered and handled the Cuban missile crisis extremely well. The only thing I didn't like about Kennedy was his agreement to let Federal government workers unionize. I'm fine with unionization in the private sector, but government workers should never have been allowed to form and join unions.

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We just watched the movie RFK. While the man is presented in a most positive light, even though I know that my world at the time clashed with the political forces with which RFK aligned himself I recognize that I align much more closely with his ideals—at least as presented in the film—than either RFK or the world I identify with at present align with today’s “Democratic” Party. I am sure there were elements then, among those aligned with RFK, for whom the prospect of a DNC win this fall represents a glorious fulfillment of their hatred for America and its ideals. In fact, I plan to phone one of them today, on his birthday. While I have grown and changed, and my worldview is now principally based on the Bible’s God, I anticipate the need to take great pains to step around the piles of vitriol adorning his sidewalks, so we might have a mutually satisfying conversation.

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I'd prefer to label Cleveland as the last great Democrat, but given the climate of the time......

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