Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

At some point, we're going to have to do something about the fact that the sets of people who

• believe "declaring" a "gender" alters biological reality

• believe wearing a crocheted or paper mask on your face prevents viral spread

• believe the fact that "13 do 60" -- if they know it at all -- is accountable to "systemic racism"

• believe that Russia invaded without provocation and defense of the Krainians at any cost is in our vital national interest

• believe that government spending is "stimulus"

• believe that a stretch of land that's the relative size of a newspaper on a football field is an "apartheid state"

• believe that for some reason, Vlad would have wanted a Reaganesque Republican in the White House in 2016

• believe that there's some legitimate purpose in letting men into the girls' room or cross-dressers read to children

• believe that people growing wealthy in politics is just fine but in business is somehow evil

• vote Democrat

intersect almost perfectly.

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Oct 23, 2023Liked by Michael Smith

Rather, say I, pelt them them with offal for they may be acting but they are acting bad opera!

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Oh, BTW IMHO, this talk by Victor Davis Hanson covers the bases very well. It's worth spending 1/2 hour of your time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opDuw4OZ3QI

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Lord Chamberlain and Obama would take issue with you while trying to lead from behind.

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I can’t forgive them either. As a Christian I have no idea how to respond to the perpetrators or the useful idiots in politics and university that are their apologists.

Gad Saad mentioned a word for these idiots. Unicornatopia. They do not live in the the real world.

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You’re more generous than I. I have no room in my heart for forgiveness of the enemies of civilization—whether they’re idiotic wokesters seeking to destroy the greatest country on the planet or the barbarians of Hamas.

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Pretty sure I said I can't - or won't - forgive them.

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Yep, there it is.

“God will have to forgive them because I can’t.”

Perhaps I had a buffer overflow from the cognitive dissonance. Or perhaps I simply didn’t get to your last line.

Either way, as usual, we are aligned after all.

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I think we may be past the point of no return.

Universities have for a decade changed the narrative. When a chemistry professor is forced to include gender sensitivity, diversity, equity, and inclusion in empirical science how does one go about doing that?

It counters or disregards scientific lessons entirely.

It’s just politics, which is no more than kabuki theater these days. The talking heads make their decisions based on what the lobbyists tell them to think so they stay wealthy and in their positions.

The people haven’t had a say in decades.

I don’t forgive the politicians either...

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