Mar 18·edited Mar 18

And in classical thought hysteria is rooted in the hyster- the womb - and therefore men who shriek hysterically are displaying the effeminacy that has undermined masculinity thanks to postmodernist deconstruction of morals and character.

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Yes that is absolutely true. What we have now are angry women and weak men. The men are weak because the women are angry. The women are angry because the men are weak. Rinse and repeat.

I refer no to all women of course but the AWFLs. What a perfect acronym for these harpies.

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Add “ungodly “ to the acronym and they come out fully AWFUL

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One of Trump's primary roles has been to expose them for what they are.

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If you want to expose the irrationality of TDS just ask a sufferer of this malady to explain why they hate Donald Trump. They start spewing invectives none id which are centered in reality. When you calmly point out the lack of facts in their screeds they just increase the volume.

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Again, thank you.

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