You have forgotten the Fifth Musketteer - Tulsi Gabbard.

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We can but hope as the Democrats and their lackeys are near impervious to facts, common sense or reason. Perhaps a cataclysmic defeat will cause an epiphany and wake them up.

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As the Fabian Democrats cull their herd, we and their left-behinds are provided opportunity. In 1969 I was groomed for the SDS. Then, I saw behind the curtain. Politically homeless for a time, I heard Dr. John Hospers. My Christian faith followed years later. Jesus wants us to know true peace and freedom.

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It would be great.. but I don't think so. Technology and advances in public control have reached such a level that for half the population mass media broadcasts the only credible opinion, rendering the opinion of any individual - no matter now well reasoned - ineffective. Great arguments move the political needle barely a whit. The political world as we know it is dead; our current national political conversations are a farce.

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I truly wish you were wrong, but too much evidence supports this view.

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I believe a Renaissance is happening. The 4 people you describe are part of the return to the fundamentals our Republic was founded upon. Like Ben Franklin I hope we can keep it. Liberty is intoxicating -- too many of the supporters of the current cabal do not know how to enjoy it.

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RFKJr has given me more hope than I’ve had in a long time!

Great piece, Mike. thanks!

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From your lips to God’s ear.

Outstanding perspective.

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Another good'un.


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Thank you, again!

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