The Eternal Sunshine of the Democrat Mind
Forget logic and reason, the mind of the Democrat is a place where only a quest for power exists.
Democrats believe in four rules:
They are better than you in every way.
They are factually, morally and ethically correct about everything, all the time.
Their ideology is so infallible, it must be mandated, by force of law – or simply by force. Everyone must follow their dictates, no exceptions.
Any deviation from the first three rules is to be punished with destruction.
The Democrat reaction to decisions they don't like is not to debate them with facts and reason, it is to try to undermine and ultimately destroy the institution that made the decision. I have yet to hear a factual refutation of the Dobbs decision. “Roe is settled law!” they scream – but so were the other decisions, like that in Dred Scott, that were rightly overturned.
The Democrats fear insurrection only when they are in power.
When they are not in power, insurrection is a favorite daydream.
Look no further than their idea of packing the SCOTUS, or for something more current, the comments of AOC and Maxine Waters, pouring out their venom about ignoring the decision of a branch of our government.
“To Hell with the Supreme Court!” says Max Maxine.
“Take to the streets!” exhorts the Buxom Bolshevik Bartender Barbie.
“As we fight to make abortion legal at the federal level, I continue to reject the legitimacy of such an undemocratic institution,” tweets Ilhan “IMMB*” Omar (*I Married My Brother) about the Supreme Court.
There is nothing democratic about the Democrat idea that “We want what we want, and we don’t care what we have to do or what (or whom) we need to destroy to get it.”
The fact is that upholding bad law is as bad as not protecting good law. For example, Obamacare was/is bad law and during the Court's debate over whether it was based on a tax, which the Senate had no power to levy, John Roberts was desperately looking for a way to save it. Justice Scalia said:
". . . And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites."
That is exactly what happened with Roe v. Wade. Seven justices on the Burger Court found a right heretofore unknown when the created a constitutional right from nothing and for the following half-century, that ruling was favored even though it was flawed from the beginning.
Scalia was right, re Obamacare and Roe, that the courts were doing whatever it took to uphold and assist them.
But not all “institutions” are the same.
Cabinet level agencies are, by definition, institutions, but if the Department of Transportation or the Department of Education disappeared tomorrow, I doubt it would change much for the individual citizen. Not so with the destruction of the Supreme Court, the Congress, or the Executive. If one of these is compromised, or the balance between the roles of the three is destroyed, trouble is in the offing.
Democrats have successfully destroyed America’s faith in elections by engineering Biden’s “victory”, then proceeded to destroy confidence in the Executive branch to go with decades of erosion of Congress, and now are ignorantly and openly assaulting the Supreme Court.
Break government, and revolution is in the offing. There is no other option when the people are subjected to arbitrary and capricious rule.
The Democrats’ assault on the institutions is purely political and purely about their will to power, especially when their prior comments are considered.
In 1989, no lesser hypocrite than Dick “Turban” Durbin, who for some unknown reason is still in the Senate, wrote to a constituent, saying:
“I believe we should end abortion on demand… I continue to believe the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade should be reversed.”
The horrible right-wing agitprop and propaganda organ, the New York Times, reported that President Alzheimer Dementia Camacho “…entered the Senate in 1973 as a 30-year-old practicing Catholic who soon concluded that the Supreme Court went “too far” on abortion rights in the Roe case. He told an interviewer the following year that a woman shouldn’t have the ‘sole right to say what should happen to her body.’”
As recently as June 5th of 2019, President Camacho expressed his four decades of support for the Hyde Amendment, which, of course, he reversed on June 6th when he found out that the Democrats of 2019 were a bit more bloodthirsty than the Democrats of 1979.
Remember that all of this is about a decision that did NOT eradicate abortion, it just said the federal government has no dog in the abortion hunt. All decisions about abortion are up to the states and the people of those states.
Where they should have been left in 1973.
You see, Democrats are all about democracy except when they aren’t. If they fear democracy will yield a suboptimal result for their agenda, they are most certainly not for it.
I saw a protester holding a sign that cannot be reconciled. It said “Abortion is a human right.”
This is the insanity of the left.
The aftermath of the decisions in Bruen and Dobbs have put the authoritarianism of the Democrat party on full display. They are hypocritical liars who believe in nothing but the pursuit of power. They will literally and figuratively do or say anything to achieve the power they believe they deserve.
Democrats are Pyrrhic. In their quest to win, they are more than willing to burn everything to the ground.
Wake up people. You are being sold a bill of goods.
Okay, Michael, I am now convinced you are not human. OR IF you are human, then you are not just One human. Your essay, "The Eternal Sunshine of the Democrat Mind" was too perfect. Every paragraph was well thought out, perfectly expressed, and TRUE. One person can not be so perfectly productive so often. Fess up.. are you an AI or a team of a dozen?
They actually could make abortion legal at the federal level. They even tried just four short weeks ago. But they were thwarted by that bane of Democrats: democracy. They didn't have the votes. This is why they spent 50 years subjugating the federal courts - they couldn't force their ideas onto American citizens democratically. And this is why "the courts" have become so important to Democrats - with the "correct" justices, they serve as a super legislature to accomplish that which they cannot by democratic means. With the "incorrect" justices, I guess the courts are...."illegitimate".