William Strauss and Neil Howe wrote a great book in 1997 called THE 4TH TURNING. It suggests that approximately every 80 years, the USA goes through a major change. As examples, they cite the American Revolution, the American Civil War, and WW II. We are overdue.

Ukraine's blitzkrieg has reached into Russia and we will soon see whether Putin's actions, like his words, will be like Winston Churchill's.

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Just what i thought, charles. By their reckoning, our 4th Turning started about 2008 w the housing bubble and credit collapse. If so, that would put us squarely at the height of the 20 year Crisis cycle.

My prayer is we come out the other side having vanquished the forces of globalist Mordor and see a world so free it will make us think our prior lives were a nightmare by comparison.

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Nothing is gained without struggle and never without gambling. The ratio of Orcs to Dwarves seems way out of whack in 2022.

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