This can easily explain the desire to "address" climate change as well as a host of other foolish notions. When confronted by an acolyte of the Church of Anthropomorphic Climate Change, I suggest they consider how many things the planet wide climate system consists of, how many variables, and what those things and variables can be predicted with any certainty and how natural causes such as volcanic eruptions can introduce more of the material they deem harmful in just one moderate eruption than mankind produces over a decade and that there are an average of 22 active eruptions at any given time across the earth. I'm usually met with claims that I'm a science denier, or some such other vapid comment. They system is so complicated and affected by so many things we've yet to take into account, anyone saying that can predict a climate trend with any accuracy is full of... as my grandmother used to say, bullfish.

It is the same with any system the 'more government' crowd insists is necessary. Government has grown so large, so complex, they cannot possibly maintain its size and appetite without parts of that system breaking down randomly and without prediction. The Covid lockdowns are a prime example. No one saw toilet paper becoming more valuable than gold, and while many warned of the consequences of those "stimulus" checks, they were ignored by the 'big government' experts. Supply chain shortages of all kinds manifested over an irrational fear and reaction to a virus much more benign that your average influenza outbreak, but the very reaction by such a large and ungainly organism like our government sent ripples through almost every aspect of American life, much like the butterfly in this effect.

God save us from those that know better.

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... Harris’ “joy” comes at a high price." A price I will not pay.

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There's way too many ping pong balls to hold under water simultaneously.

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As Mike Tyson once observed: "Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth."

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Perfection 👌

My second read took a little more time than the first but well worth the time.

Again, thank you.

And definitely sharing.

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