Tell him, just between us guys, the wife will never know how he really voted. And promise not to tell.

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I've always been struck by how ferocious beta males can be... bullying and swaggering - until pressed.

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Willful ignorance gets my across the board vote.

Most women I know wouldn't welcome their husband voting for Harris.

Definitely sharing - and thank you .

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Kind of a reverse from when Hillary said that wives vote the way their husbands tell them to.

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I fear your fifth option is probably correct. Also, your cover from the Hollywood reporter of the Beta male is itself the scariest image I've ever seen.

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WOW. I guess I lead a too sheltered life these days -- there are none of these types of men in my circle of acquaintance. Kind, thoughtful? Yes. Emasculated ? NOPE

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It’s the fifth possibility

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Three out of four with their hand in someone's pocket and one smugly knowledgeable that there is no there, there. Three out of four newscasts are an invitation to a Manchurian orchid party. A couple of acolytes have already drawn the red queen. I pray they don't vote and opt to stay home and arrange flowers.

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Last hope:

I’ve noticed that those voting booths are PRIVATE.

Don’t discount the impact of your logic.

Maybe they can still summon a shred of self respect and autonomous thought?

Vivek Ramaswamy made an interesting point yesterday, referencing Pascal’s “God sized vacuum in men’s hearts” - that if it is Not filled with God, then humans seek to fill it with any Non-God religion. Now that this country has made every effort to remove God from our affairs, that “religion” is politics.

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And then there is always the "vote blue no matter who" crowd and their co-religionistas.

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