Michael - this reminds me of what Schumer said about taking on the intelligence community, they will beat you 6 ways to Sunday.

To be like that you need to remember one thing...they care about nothing but the mission. Everything else is just a casualty of war.

You stated the ends justify the means, and the means justify the means...to them they do not care for anything but the END. And we all know what they want to end...

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Don't forget Harry Reid on his lie about Mitt Romney's taxes "sure it was a lie but we won did't we?"

They don't care.

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Do we need any more proof than Justice Thomas? Somehow he survived. I hope Kavanaugh does, too. All so they can legally kill babies. I fear for future generations. And after the woke "oath" to view their movies -- I am so done with Sundance.

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After a fair trial?

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