
I'm going to add this from a post I just put up on Facebook because it goes to the heart of what I wrote above:

This is probably an even more unpopular post than the last one.

This originally was a comment to Daniel Jupp's comment on my Trump post of today, but it raised a question that justifies its own post.

Is the Donald Trump of today the Donald Trump of 2016-2019?

Lots of people who rabidly support Trump, and yes, there are those in the cult of personality who recognize his faults but rationalize them away, just want to forget what happened in 2020 or simply use fundamental attribution error to claim the failures were somebody else's fault.

If we were talking about the 2016-2019 Trump, opponents of my critiques have me there, but I just don't think we are talking about the same person.

The 2020 Trump was markedly and measurably different.

Weak. Indecisive. Scattered. He allowed his power and leadership to be taken from him by Fauci and Birx. He even bowed down to lockdowns, masking and social distancing -for a time. He presided over the shutdown of an entire national economy based on Fauci's advice (even though most of it came from Democrat governors and mayors). He championed a vaccine that doesn't work (although there was little way to tell at the time).

He also had terrible debates with Biden - the first one was a total disaster - how does that even happen, by the way? He lost an election, whether through fraud or corruption, that the 2016 - 2019 Trump would not have lost.

He appeared weak and vulnerable. He completely went against his approach for the prior three years.

And he lost.

I do not think the Trump of 2020, unless he gets a grip, is the same Trump of 2016. I think it is reasonable to ask which Trump we would get for 2024.

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Painful though it is, one must acknowledge the obvious.

Unless Trump can rise above his quite human wrath, he is condemned to spiteful obscurity.

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I know that I am not alone in agreeing with all that you said here. Trump can be his own worst enemy, and I pray that he will see that before it's too late. I voted for him twice, and will vote for him again if he's the nominee, but he needs to look to help the country like he did while he was president and forget about 2020. If he can't do that, I hope and pray that he's not the nominee.

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I enjoy all of your articles, but this is exactly what I've been trying to say to a number of friends who can't seem to see how destructive Trump has been to his possibility of re-election.

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A friend send me this, something that ties in well with our concern about Trump's constant crying over spilled milk: https://www.aei.org/articles/republicans-shouldnt-forget-about-optimism/.

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Thank you for sharing this! We just need to send it to ALL Republicans in office now and hope that they are paying attention.

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The anger that consumes Americans (those who are not busy killing themselves with Fentanyl) is growing every day. Elon Musk was booed off a stage in San Francisco. Every week we read about fights following NFL games. Evil has consumed the USSA. Even if it is successful in destroying the EU, it will still go the way of Babylon and all other failed civilizations.

Another writer this morning, Rolo Slaviskiy, submitted an essay entitled The USSA is a Prison For Nations. Among other things, he suggests that the chronic narcotic problem in the USSA is planned and aided by the Biden administration to keep the population sick, weak, compliant, and dying.

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"All glory is fleeting." Or as the "The Teacher wrote: Vanity Vanity all is Vanity".

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I totally agree with your assessment.

All the good that Trump accomplished is undone by his too negative "mouth".

I voted for him twice and if he is the candidate in 2024 would vote for him again.

I would much rather see DeSantis as our candidate.

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I've backed a long shot or five in my time. I still believe the "Dream Team" would be Trump/DeSantis 2024, DeSantis/Lake 2028 - 2032 - 2036.

How's that for optimism? Yet none of that will matter if we don't cull the corruption from the process.

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My sentiments exactly. If Trump runs, Ds will cheat in 2024 like no tomorrow, even overtly, and the press wont care, therefore nothing will happen. The majority of sheeple will "agree" that a broken election system is preferable to another DJT term. And so usher in their own enslavement

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DeSantis/Pompeo!!! Trump drives moderate Democrats to the polls more than any of their candidates do. Oh, and he didn't fire Fauci.

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