While you and I agree on much, I'm still holding out hope for an Article V convention. It's the only way forward that I can see that does not involve open, civil conflict, an actual shooting war the likes of which this nation hasn't seen in 157 years. The devastation that clash brought divided families, friends, and neighbors, on a scale that still sees that four years as the deadliest war in our history. There's nothing to indicate should it come again that it would be any less calamitous. If anything, we've gotten better at wholesale destruction, except in matters where it's truly needed, like the wars we've engaged in the last twenty years, with seemingly no appetite for actual victory. You hear some of the more braggadocio types on the Right claim they look forward to the brevity such a contest may display as, 'we have all the guns and ammo and are ridiculously proficient in their use'. But the first "shots" have already been fired by the Marxist, Progressives, calling themselves antifascist while employing fascist tactics and those seeking sympathy simply because of their skin color, but lashing out with assaults, arson, looting, rioting, and murder, with little to no fear of repercussions, because their supporters in government are enabling that behavior, while accusing any and all that don't support their insanity as the cause of their criminality.

If the Constitution still means anything, we must use it in order to try and rectify the dangerous ground we've allowed ourselves to wander into. Don't get me wrong, should the COS movement suffer the same ignominious fates the TEA Party and Trump received, we have to be able to say at least we tried before we start stacking bodies. When the current asterisk and in my belief illegitimate Administration makes statements like, “If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The point is that there has always been the ability to limit — rationally limit the type of weapon that can be owned and who can own it.” Followed by, “The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon,” Biden said. “Those who say the ‘blood of patriots,’ you know, and all the stuff about how we’re going to have to move against the government. Well, the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots.” It clearly shows the utter contempt the Left holds for the Right. As you said,

These people do not believe they are better than you, they KNOW it.

And they mean to rule - by any means necessary.

We have to at least say we tried to do it right before they take that option away. Since I joined the 21st century in 2012 I always tried to caution those saying we need to burn it all down and start over. In doing that, we'd lose the Constitution and its Amendments, almost certainly guaranteeing America as the beacon of Liberty would be lost forever, no matter what emerged from the other side. Lately I've let others know I've got five gallons of gas and a book of matches. But I only want to use them as a last resort after it becomes clear the Constitution is lost. Something like what Kurt Schlichter has written of in his "People's Republic" series looks almost better than the open hostilities we seem to be grinding inexorably toward, but even that possibility ends up with casualties.

All I'm saying is exhaust all possibilities before the shooting starts.

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I hope you are right, but I am preparing for the possibility you are not.

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Elegantly stated & bursting with truths, sad though much of it is, including these two paragraphs:

"There is the America that believes in God, self-reliance and hard work, the American dream, American exceptionalism, equal opportunity, secure borders, sovereignty, the sanctity of a baby’s life from conception, private property, the Second Amendment and an originalist reading of the Constitution – a small and limited state.

Then there is another America that is filled with secular humanists, believes in collectivism and government handouts, and believes that the American dream is dead (if it ever existed) and that America is inherently evil and imperialistic. They believe in equal outcomes, open borders, a nation subject to the whims of international governance, abortion, abolition of private property, no right to self-defense and a “living” Constitution that can be “interpreted” to create approval for the current political fad and in turn, an overweening and expansive state."

Sadly & even more importantly:

I can see no way that these two radically divided positions can ever be reconciled.


Sooner or later, something must give.

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In total agreement! Well written!!

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Couldn’t agree more.

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