There is no hope unless people come together and realize both partys are run by the same people that have ran this world for the past 100+ years . Last time I checked there is no where in the constitution that says we need a "right" or "left" that was installed to divide and conquer

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The Progressives have seized the commanding heights of the economy. As one of theirs asked once, "What is to be done?"

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Progressivism is expensive to maintain and operate, and we're hitting that wall - hard. The costs of productive wealth being consumed to tear down America, counter-productively, are now being borrowed from future generations who will have nothing to show for it but tax bills. And inflation. That thing that cannot go on forever will stop one day. It has to. Eventually you run out of other people's money.

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If you have time for reading on this subject, check out John Grisham's, "The Rooster Bar." It's entertaining and if you think about it, frightening.

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It’s a matter of political will and the people we have elected to protect us and our rights are not.

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I’m sorry; “having the Constitution” is meaningless unless it’s used. It’s like saying the NBA has traveling rule, but unless it’s called or enforced (it’s not), it doesn’t mean anything.

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I am so happy that all of my grandkids are homeschooled. They do attend church, and the church is not as progressive as some that I have witnessed, at least not for now. I can see the progress my grandkids have made at all levels - from what would be a Junior in HS to the youngest which would be a first grader. These kids have already shown me critical thinking, faith, morals, a desire to learn and a desire to serve. What more can we ask for. I hope it will be enough to serve them.

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Michael, one other lesson to add to the excellent list you wrote ... more government is “abnormal”.

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