As I read your posting, I was thinking that 'they' took away the magic and replaced it with cynicism. We no longer look for the wonderment of life, instead we are taught to condemn our mere existence as being an evil plague upon the Earth.

Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown are reduced to being anti-woke and examples of racism, even a child's drawing of such could end the child's parents in jail for child abuse and sentence the innocent child to years of psychotherapy.

Is it any wonder our country, and its people are screwed up, disillusioned and are accepting of the next big lie coming from a politician's mouth?

All I can say is that if this is a dream then wake me up, if this is a merry go round, I am riding, pull its plug and stop this crazy nightmare.

My 2 cents.

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Your bullet points are exactly the way the progressives feel. This is why they can lie so well; they actually believe that crap.

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A great piece. Lots to ponder.

I find it so sad to think that there are no longer any fairy tales allowed, no innocence to be had. The "wokies" have destroyed any sense of wonder.

Part of growing up is realizing there is no Santa but still wishing there was.

What's happening to this country breaks my heart...🥺🥺🥺

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I would show my political science students both the interrogation scene from the “Lives of Others” and from “Dietrich Boenhoffer: Agent of Grace” and then ask them how did these procedures differ from typical US criminal law procedure. Too often this question was met with a wall of silence, as if this were the ever insidious “trick question.” The most blatant difference, of course, is that before those inquisitors you were never told of the charges against you, only asked to confess your sins. In each case when the accused asked why they were being interrogated to which the response was something like “Do you suppose our benevolent, humanitarian State would have arrested you for no reason at all? To think this would in itself be a crime.”

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