Great analogy, Mr. Smith. The shark.

I caution on taking it beyond the first level, using it as a way to understand their nature and the challenge we face.

The problem is that as of now the sharks have crafted and maintain this pool we're all forced to swin in and they will keep it filled and inescapable as long as possible.

One of the characteristics of this pool is the illusion of law and order, Constitutional norms, judicial systems, and the like. These systems tie the Liberty side in knots because only we are constrained by them while the sharks are free to disregard and violate at will, devouring anyone who transgresses without their permission. In this way, we are swimming in their element and getting chewed up steadily.

Would Alinsky tactics work for us? To some extent, maybe. But Alinsky designed those tactics for use against a specific type of opponent--- us! A people who care about standards, shame, propriety, rules. Essentially, Alinsky said, You want to bring down the existing bourgeois order? Here's how you attack it. The Alinskyites ARE the order now. They don't care about the things that made make us vulnerable. So using Alinsky against Alinsky is likely futile.

The fundamental change, the draining of the shark tank, will occur inevitably when one of two things happens: the People get fed up and refuse to keep working (ie massive strikes, work stoppages, slow downs, civil disobedience) which crashes the system, OR the system crashes due to the unsustainable policies and corruption of the sharks.

When that happens, the sharks will be on dry land, our territory where laws, big government, financial extortion cannot function.

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I agree. I think the left doesn't care because they never pay a price for not caring. If we approach this correctly, they can be made to care because not doing so is costing them.

I would take it a step farther in that I do not believe we have a constitution right now. Biden openly admits he is doing illegal an unconstitutional things. That one, we have to make sting every time we have the opportunity.

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Absolutley. The Constitution is a dead letter at this point because it cannot be enforced. My point is that many if not most on the Liberty side still feel constrained by it and the Tyranny side, fhe Sharks, use that to their advantage.

See for example people like Pence who hide behind the Constitution to enable their betrayal. Levin, Bongino, Hannity, VD Hanson...all preach from the confines of a constitution that is inoperative.

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By golly, I believe you have just identified Antimatter!

The very Essence of this dilemma.

I have wrestled with it for years, contorting myself in an exhaustive attempt to UNDERSTAND… wrap my head around How.They.Think to remain so oblivious - and unapologetic! - about the glaring hypocracies… in pursuit of a way to grasp what has gone terribly wrong.

I got as far as identifying the NEED to feel good about themselves, and as long as the ideology and rhetoric Fed that need, they were held captive, so perhaps they weren’t guilty of un(Intended) conséquences that went so awry ~? Maybe it wasn’t Evil Intent; maybe it was just the sacrifice of others on the alter of their own need - “no offense intended”?

Only just the other day did it occur to me that it was something akin to the simplest of biological Imperatives that non-human animals all share: to simply (and exclusively) attend Only to needs that ensure survival. Anything beyond is extraneous.

But here, you’ve captured it.

Thank you.

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"A penny saved is a penny earned". Positive thinking and platitudes have their place; but we are facing a far greater danger than Americans have ever known. Our one-time friends have turned on us and it sfeels eerily like INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS or THE PUPPET MASTERS.

For anyone interested in life under a 4th Obama administration, I recommend THE GULAG ARCHIPELIGO as prophesy.

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So we must become orcas and dolphins?

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