Edith Bolling Wilson was a supporter of eugenics and promoted Planned Parenthood to abort black pregnancies. She was not much worse at running the nation than was Woodrow, who is in the worst president competition along with BHO and Bhudhn. Jimmy Carter is in the competition due to his managerial incompetence as his is considered a progressive. Unfortunately, Carter found that his liberal views could only take him so far in Georgia. When he ran for governor in 1970, he backed off many of his previously publicized views on racial equality, leading some to declare him bigoted. Once in office, however, Carter restored many of his endorsements to end segregation.

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Bill Bennett former Secretary of Education and “Drug Czar said to his astonishment there was much more racism and self segregation in universities in Massachusetts than in Mississippi. He had taught in both states and said in Mississippi blacks and whites had a casual and familiar relationship. He said even more astonishing was that the older generation was every bit as accepting of integration as the younger generations who’d grown up with Jim Crow laws.

In contrast, universities in Massachusetts exhibited self segregation, mutual suspicion and far less interaction between the races. He was shocked to see “blacks only” tables in the cafeteria. Oh and don’t forget the explosion over bussing in Massachusetts. White parents objecting to black children being bussed to previously white schools.

And didn’t our beloved President speak of jungles where crime was rampant?

Progressives are racists.

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Remember South Boston.

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Michael, thx for addressing the truth about Wilson ... from him to FDR to a Dem dominated Congress post WW2, then Carter, then Clinton, bho and now jrb -- we have been poorly served for more than a century.

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The victor writes history books. The Margaret Sanger comment reminds me of how I find it hard to believe Union soldiers voluntarily left home and family to fight and free the black man. That if that really was the purpose then it had to be kept secret from the ranks.

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Woodrow Wilson also screened “Birth of a Nation” in the White House, a film that glorified the KKK and demonized black Americans.

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Francisco Gil-White has a remarkable thesis about relationship of slavery and antisemitism to supposed “progressive” thought. See his Management of Reality Substack.

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That’s not a hidden truth

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