In the best case, there exists a tension between bureaucrats and experts, demanding proof and evidence to support the plan - as well as careful analysis to ensure there won't be disastrous unforeseen consequences. This is how Washington used to operate, because career bureaucrats could not afford to be wrong - it would kill their career. This was the "red tape" that bound up the works so much and led to slow policy execution. That tension is what enabled better policy, or at least not tragically bad policy, at the expense of being slow.

The political ideological alignment of bureaucrats with experts is what has brought us to this present, dangerous situation. Both "experts" and bureaucrats are now inoculated against the consequence of failure, as it is no longer results that matter, but intent. The role of the sheep and sheepdogs are unchanged, except the sheepdogs are being beaten off with a stick by the aligned twins, cheered on by the sheep.

These are very dangerous times we live in.

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I can’t describe the depth of my angry regarding this. The unnecessary death and emotional damage perpetrated by these evil SOBs that we see today is only the tip of the iceberg.

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