If only they would leave us alone. I still like the idea of giving CA to Mexico and letting them deal with the citizenry they created.

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I'm of a different mindset but understand your feeling. There are plenty of really good people in Mexico who are suffering at the hands of their HAMAS, the Cartels, and totally corrupt government agencies and "elected" representatives.

Normal, patriotic Mexican citizens can no better clean up their mess than we are cleaning up what we have here.

I still say trash our tready from the Texas separation and make Mexico our 51st state. We won the war. We let them keep what they have. We need to take it back...(Like the farmland sold to China, but that's another tale.)

The USA population has no clue how much of our manufacturing and food supply now come from Mexico. That's not going to change except for increasing. Mexico is full of natural resources, including their people.

I have a Reba mindset. I don't want to sit here in a pity pool. I want to take it all back!!!

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Ayn Rand! She speaks the truth. Reason does not work for ideologues.

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Dementia driven cognitive decline now means sharp as a tack.

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And Rand was a Russian.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

She was born in Russia and immigrated to the US in 1926 (at 21 years old), which gave her a unique ability to see where we were headed long before many others. Her books have awakened many millions. "Atlas Shrugged" was prophetic and scary. It isn't hard to see many current leaders and media types in her characters.

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