Were Adam and Eve happier in the garden before taking the fruit from the Nietzschean tree? Yes, Adam and Eve transcended themselves - but were they better for it?

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Thought provoking Michael.

For certain a trait I find with many, if not most, of the folks who espouse the current 'woke' fantasy is hatred and loathing (including self) of all around them. Another trait is a relatively narrow education about the achievements of human kind and how the concept of liberty became foundational in the US Constitution.

My college years were in a Jesuit institution. In the same year I read Nietzsche and Eliade. The first I came to understand as a nihilist, and with Eliade an understanding of humankind's overarching search for meaning and goodness, creating spiritual higher beings and rituals to make the connection.

It is hard to reason or have a conversation with anyone who has closed their mind to the inherent disposition for humans to overcome evil and create goodness.

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Nietzche was one crazy SOB.

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This energizes the memory of the early "Rolling Stone" magazine articles. Raoul Duke and Dr. Gonzo come to mind from "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."

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