I never realized how powerful language is until the past few years. Libs are masters at spinning the narrative and using subtle word changes to produce a desired outcome. But fortunately many of us now understand their tricks and learning how to fight back against these incompetent fools.

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Like their historic antecedents the Bolsheviks, modern progressives are all for populism up until the moment they have seized control.

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Replacing key words in the Stanford News quote is revealing:

“[Progressive] politicians and governments view the formal institutions of [Western Civilization] as corrupt creations spawned by crooked [white, male] establishment elites – and so they systematically hollow out and undermine these institutions, such as the courts, regulatory agencies, intelligence services, the press, and so on. They justify these attacks as replacing discredited and corrupt institutions with ones that serves “the people” – or, in other words, [progressive] parties and politicians. Moreover, precisely because [progressives] claim to represent “the people,” they have to define the people first and that often means excluding ['privileged'] populations, such as religious (i.e., Christian) or [white] [majorities] and [rural, conservative citizens].”

Once again the Lib-Progs are accusing their opponents of doing the very thing that they, the Lib-Progs, are actually doing.

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