
The larger point was to exercise every right out loud before the Deep State believes your rights are a minority or you don't care if it takes that right away. Make your own support of your rights two things: obvious and conspicuous. Never let the politicians think you don't care.

The Deep State coopts power incrementally, they work around the edges, confiscating the rights of people in small tranches and before you know it, things the government has no business being involved in are banned.


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LOVE this concept ! Fight Fire with Fire, literally. Good Guys with Guns are holding the line.

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"An armed society is a polite society." I don't remember where I first saw that.

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I recommend for any woman to join Armed Women of America. There are chapters throughout the US. It is a wonderful way to get educated about gun handling and also shooting with experts. I belong to the Bull Run Chapter of Manassas,VA

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Great common sense advice.

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So, I live in a gun- friendly state, for now... I regularly train at one of the finest shooting schools in the nation, and I carry my sidearm - concealed, whenever I leave the house. Personally, I don’t prefer to advertise that I’m a force to be reckoned with.

I’m an unassuming senior citizen who will not be made a victim. I do see a fair amount of older men open-carrying, who seem oblivious to their surroundings. Choosing to carry a firearm openly or concealed, brings a great deal of responsibility, as well as a need for quality training.

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I live in ILLAnnoy and have concealed carry, but there is no place to carry that would matter...everything but my house, car and private property is posted as gun free

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